Spelljammer: Light of Xaryxis

An adventure through Wildspace.

Graduates of Spelljammer Academy on their first official mission find themselves in a race for time to save their planet.

The Story

Recent graduates of the Spelljammer Academy are thrown into a galaxy spanning adventure in a desparate attempt to save their home world.

The Cast

  • Ievis Coedwen.  An astral elf privateer and warlock.
  • Jameson “Smoke” Lockwood.  A half-elf scoundrel of a bard and rogue.  Has a propensity to push buttons he shouldn’t.
  • Seren. Human rogue with a score to settle.
  • Seymour. A gnome warlock with an obsession for things that go “tick”.
  • Squish. A plasmoid cleric who looks a lot like Barbapapa.


“Andrew has a way of welcoming newcomers into the world of D&D by gently guiding them along with his storyline. Not only that, but he allows for player creativity when possible, allowing each player/character to shine. And thanks to Foundry, the visuals/animations, sounds, and music allow for deep immersion for better storytelling. As a newbie to D&D, I’m glad I accepted his invitation to join his campaign!”

“Haven’t played in a few years and Andrew really sets the standard GMing for veteran, returning or new players. I feel involved and engaged as a player with Andrew’s descriptive storytelling. “

“Made the extra effort to make a richly textured world space. Thank you.”

“Good balance of role playing, combat and exploration. Enjoying the games!”

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