Keys from the Golden Vault

Coming 2023

An upcoming anthology of heists scheduled to be released this winter!

Although this anthology isn’t available yet, it promises to be full of mischief and mayhem. 😏

If you think you might be interested in participating in this campaign, please fill out the form below to get on the waiting list.  There will only be room for 5 players, so it’s sure to fill up quickly!

A few things you should know before you sign up:

  • This game will likely be streamed.  So you’ll first need to be comfortable with having your mug on the internet.  You’ll also need stable internet and a decent mic.  If you have any experience with streaming, that’s definitely a bonus!  I’m sorta new to this so any help would be greatly appreciated  😊
  • This campaign will have an 18+ minimum age requirement as there will be mature themes involved.
  • You will need some level of experience with both D&D 5E and Foundry VTT (or be willing to learn before we start!)
  • Expect a solid amount of role-playing and problem-solving
  • Dragons and Gold Dragons will be given priority in sign-ups.  How do you become one?  Head over to ko-fi and make a donation! 🐉 
  • I am not responsible for injuries resulting from gut-wrenching laughter, gnashing of teeth or biting of nails

Contact me if you want a piece of the action!

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