Curse of Strahd

A romp through the lands of Barovia.

Experience the beautiful animated scenes and maps of Beneos Battlemaps in this epic classic.

The Story

The Mists are closed.  Lord Strahd, eternal ruler of Barovia has awoken, and he’s on the hunt once more.  The party travels through the valley helping those in need in these perilous times while in search of their own way home. 


The Cast

  • Eisen.  A kenku artificer looking to rejoin his flock.
  • Lotus Blaum.  A half-elf ranger with a traumatic past and mysterious future.
  • Nathaniel Reijin.  A strange young elf with a brooding darkness inside him.
  • Vasilica Sándor.  An elderly Vistani Mist Walker who travels the shadow realms and provides assistance where she can.
  • Zuna Zara.  An eladrin monk with amnesia and strange, animalistic urges.



“I’ve had so many memorable moments at Andrew’s table. He is commited to his craft and will spoil you with that extra polish and knack for immersive storytelling. Go ahead, try playing with him once. I’ll wager you’ll be back for more sooner than later.”

“Terrified for my characters life. really brings the creepy factor to each creature.”

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